eBook: Training Special Populations [Case Studies]
As a health and fitness professional with credentials that position me as an allied health professional, I have the privilege and responsibility of working with special populations. In health and fitness settings, these are individuals with medically complex considerations. This eBook contains case studies that reflect orthopedic, cardiopulmonary, metabolic, and rare considerations.
Am I Healthy Enough to Exercise?
If you are considering incorporating regular exercise into your daily routine, then you may be wondering if you are prepared for it. For those asking if they are healthy enough for exercise, you’re not alone. Of course you should always consult with your doctor prior to engaging in an exercise routine, but the answer is likely, “Yes, but…” Here are a few factors that I assess to determine if an individual is healthy enough for exercise.
Bianca Grover Receives Medical Exercise Specialist Certification
I am thrilled to announce that I have officially become certified as a Medical Exercise Specialist. This certification - which requires 500 hours of experience in a hospital setting - prepares health and fitness professionals to be a critical link between the clinic and the community, and to best serve the patients and clients of today’s healthcare landscape.
New Study: Impact of Ten Minutes of Exercise on Adults Over Forty
There are countless numbers of diseases and conditions that can be prevented, alleviated, and sometimes treated with physical activity. After all, exercise is medicine. A new study conducted using the data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) is supporting that claim.
Infographic: How Exercise Fights Disease
It is no mystery that regular exercise and a healthy lifestyle can help alleviate symptoms from a variety of diseases. But do you know how an active life impacts your body to do so? Find out using this download.
Bianca Grover Receives Exercise is Medicine Credential
I am extremely proud to announce that I have received the Exercise is Medicine Credential from the American College of Sports Medicine. ACSM’s Exercise is Medicine Credential is a designation earned by those who have achieved a combination of education and certification enabling them to provide exercise guidance as an extended member of the health care team.